Brandvillage GmbH
Our innovative software solution enables you to determine the fair market value of your brand assets in just 3-5 days. Compared to complex valuation reports, our offer offers the following advantages: Affordable valuation using a software solution Easy-to-understand and transparent evaluation methodology Significantly shorter processing and creation time Benefit from the optimal utilization of your brand assets and contact us today for a non-binding initial consultation.
Brandvillage GmbH
As an insolvency administrator, you are faced with the challenge of selling intangible assets such as brands quickly and cost-effectively. A comprehensive valuation is often not affordable - and yet you need a fair market value in order to market the brand in the best possible way.
Our specially developed software solution offers you the solution: evaluate brands in the shortest possible time and at a fraction of the cost of a classic appraisal. Benefit from:
Rely on our innovative software solution and optimize the utilization of your brand assets
Brandvillage GmbH
The insolvency portal informs you daily about new insolvencies, changes in proceedings and self-administrations. Take advantage of this knowledge advantage for your company.
The BizApp and insolvency portal in a bundle - always be informed on a daily basis about new insolvencies, procedural changes and self-administration and have access to the STP BI company database with all registered companies.
STP Marketplace
VollstreckungPro bietet Kanzleien praxiserprobte Vorlagen für Zwangsvollstreckungsverfahren, entwickelt von einem erfahrenen Richter, vollständig in Advoware integriert. Die regelmäßig aktualisierten Inhalte steigern Effizienz und Erfolg maßgeblich und sparen wertvolle Arbeitszeit.
Modify your contract to optimize savings.
Whistleblower Software ApS
Whistleblower Software offers a user-friendly software solution compliant with the Whistleblower Protection Act and the GDPR and is the best-rated whistleblower system on the market according to G2.
Modify your contract to optimize savings.
InsO-Up enables seamless and efficient cooperation between private debtors and insolvency administrators to ensure effective collaboration. Directly from WINSOLVENZ
Methodigy GmbH
METHODIGY's structuring tool provides you with a tool specifically developed for legal knowledge work to systematically organize file information according to the legal relation method.
Modify your contract to optimize savings.
Legal Twin is your versatile digital colleague, trained to do a variety of specialised tasks for you. It's an AI-powered tool that's super easy to use and knows exactly how to help you get more done.
Modify your contract to optimize savings.
Behrschmidt & Kollegen Versicherungsmakler GmbH
A special concept for 360 degree protection for your law firm - with a focus on financial loss liability insurance.
Learn MoreSTP
The BizApp is your fast STP company database with all registered companies, including their subsidiaries and parent companies.
49,00€ GmbH
FlexiLead is a customer relationship management system tailored to law firms, which enables you to manage and process incoming new inquiries in a structured manner.