If you do not want to waste unnecessary time signing and sending beA attachments, use the fastest way: With our integrated remote signature component you sign and send directly from advoware.
Use this remote signature component in Advoware to sign directly in Advoware with your beA card. Simple, time-saving and inexpensive. In comparison, other providers are 25 % to over 500 % more expensive than the Advoware remote signature component. Even if you are still using another product today, it is often worth replacing it. It's best to compare for yourself!
The remote signature component must be purchased for each signature card.
Contract term: The contract term is 12 months and is automatically extended by a further 12 months if it is not terminated three months before the end of the contract term.
It is not necessary to purchase your own signature software (e.g. SecSigner) to use the beA remote signature.
nur mit Advoware
If you don't want to waste unnecessary time signing and sending beA attachments, use the fastest way: With our integrated remote signature component, you can sign and send directly from the beA DESK.
If you don't want to waste unnecessary time signing and sending beA attachments, use the fastest way: With our integrated remote signature component, you can sign and send directly from WinMACS.
STP Marketplace
VollstreckungPro bietet Kanzleien praxiserprobte Vorlagen für Zwangsvollstreckungsverfahren, entwickelt von einem erfahrenen Richter, vollständig in Advoware integriert. Die regelmäßig aktualisierten Inhalte steigern Effizienz und Erfolg maßgeblich und sparen wertvolle Arbeitszeit.
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Legal Twin is your versatile digital colleague, trained to do a variety of specialised tasks for you. It's an AI-powered tool that's super easy to use and knows exactly how to help you get more done.
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ebuero AG
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Methodigy GmbH
METHODIGY's structuring tool provides you with a tool specifically developed for legal knowledge work to systematically organize file information according to the legal relation method.
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Brandvillage GmbH
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Learn MoreSpeech Processing Solutions GmbH
Dragon Legal Anywhere is a cloud-based speech recognition software specifically designed for legal professionals to improve accuracy and efficiency in document creation.
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Silberfluss Technologies GmbH
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